Friday, January 19, 2007

George Jung He Is Not

Falcons quarterback Michael "Ron Mexico" Vick recently attempted to board a commercial airplane while smuggling marijuana. Vick was apparently unaware of the TSA's ban on liquid carry on's enacted months ago as he tried to conceal the illegal drug inside a water bottle. Allegedly the water bottle had a special secret compartment behind the label. The best part is that apparently airline officials only got suspicious after he argued profusely against just throwing the bottle away. This plan was so dumb it's something you would expect in a Sean William Scott or Ashton Kutcher movie. Defiantly the mastermind you want running a pro offense. Needless to say Falcons officials are not happy with the publicity of this move. (Let the Matt Shaub debate begin!)
Lets just say I'd prefer to have my team lead by a karaoke superstar than the worst drug mule in history.

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